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AfRIC 2024
Connecting the Unconnected – Programme

12-14 November 2024


Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Practical Information


Departure from Universté Senghor to Bibliotheca Alexandrina: 09.00 am

Invite Link

Meeting ID
996 4496 6815


Invite Link

For any query: Tel.: +(203) 483-9999 Ext:2331

Connecting the Unconnected -– Programme

Day 1
November 12

Go to Day 1

PhD Project Africa - Doctoral consortium

Building the next Generation of African leaders in business through academia

Go to Day 1

Connecting the Unconnected -– Programme

Day 2
November 13

Go to Day 2

Grand Jury

Real World Global Challenge

Go to Day 2

Connecting the Unconnected -– Programme

Day 3
November 14

Go to Day 3

Connecting the Unconnected -– Programme

Day 3

Go to Day 3
Day 1 - November 12


PhD Project Africa – Doctoral consortium
Building the next Generation of African leaders in business through academia
Discussion with senior scholars and editors based on research project submitted by selected candidates
Feedback & problem solving on issues raised by students

Session/ Time (UTC +2) (Room)



Lecture Hall
# 270

Welcome address by

Prof. Mahamadou Biga Diambeidou,
UCLouvain & University of Oxford


Prof. dt ogilvie,
Professor of Urban Entrepreneurship &
Economic Development
Former Distinguished Professor of Urban
Entrepreneurship & Former Dean Founder,
Center for Urban Entrepreneurship (CUE),
Rochester Institute of Technology

Parallel session (10.00-11.00)

French Track
Lecture Hall # 270

Session Chairs:
Moctar Naba/ Etotépé A. Sogbohossou
/Mahamadou Biga Diambeidou

English Track
VIP Meeting Room #22

Session Chairs:
dt ogilvie/ Amanuel G. Tekleab /
Ali Ahmed

Défis du Changement climatique et
approches durables du développement
socioéconomique des villes africaines : Cas
du Togo

Hèssouwè Bakenou
Université Senghor

Climate-Resilient Architecture: Adapting
African Cities to Climate Change 


Naglaa Youssef
Pharos University

Intégration de l’économie bleue durable dans
le développement de l’Afrique : Une
approche multidimensionnelle pour la
création de valeur, la protection de la
biodiversité et l’inclusion sociale

Tchopwe Damou Ezéchiel Arnaud
Université de Senghor

Enhancing Sustainable Last-Mile Delivery
for Urban Logistics: Minimizing Travel
Distances and Environmental Impact

Amira Saker

Influence de l’Incertitude sur le
comportement en matière de Reporting
Financier dans les Entreprises Nigériennes

Maman Sabiou Illiassou Amadou
Université Djibo Hamani de Tahoua

A Systematic Literature Review of
Management Control Systems in Non-Profit
Organizations: Enhancing Growth and

Asma Ibrahim

Break (11.00-11.15)

Resume parallel sessions (11.15-12.15)

Dynamique spatio-temporelle de la mangrove
de la commune de Coubalan de 1984 à 2024

Papa Diène Faye
Université Senghor

Sustainable Entrepreneurship (SE) in
emerging economies: Sub-Saharan Africa
(SSA) insights

Namegabe biregeyi
International Institute for Tropical Agriculture

l’Entrepreneuriat Féminin en Contexte de
Ressources Limitées

Nana NafissatouGuero Dan Malam
Abdou Moumouni de Niamey Comprendre

Trends of malnutrition in children aged 6 to
59 months in a context of nutritional
transition in Djibouti: Results of three
national surveys between 2013 and 2023

Hassan Abdourahman Awaleh
Université Senghor d’Alexandrie

Leadership éthique et partage des
connaissances entre employés : le rôle du
sens de devoir

Université Djibo Hamani de Tahoua

Evaluative profile of the knowledge of
radiologists and technicians on the
sustainability of radiology in Kinshasa and
Kasaï Central:Results.

Département de Radiologie et Imagerie
médicale, CUK

Lunch (12.30 – 1.30 pm)

Afternoon sessions

Welcome and Introductions

Openning Session (1.45-2.30)

Dr. Riham Abd Elhamid,
Director Sustainable Development Studies, Youth Capacity Building, and African Relations Support Program

Dr. Marwa Elwakil,
Directrice du secteur de recherche
académique, Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Dr. Alaaeldin Ewase,
Vulnerability Manager, Climate
change central department, Ministry
of Environment, Egypt.

Prof. Thierry Verdel,
Rector, Université Senghor

Prof. Mahamadou Biga Diambeidou,
UCLouvain & University of Oxford,
Founding Leader SIEWA Initiative

Inaugural Session – 2.30-4.20

Session chair



Dr. Riham Abd Elhamid,
Director Sustainable Development Studies, Youth Capacity Building, and African Relations Support Program

Keynote by:
Prof. Sherwat Ibrahim,
The American University in Cairo


Prof. Ernest Cadotte
University of Tennesse, Founder of
Marketplace Simulation

Dr. Jean-Noël Baléo

Directeur régional, AUF – Moyen-

Dr. Alaaeldin Ewase
Vulnerability Manager, Climate
change central department, Ministry
of Environment, Egypt

Prof. Valérie Swaen
Head of the Louvain CSR Network of
the Louvain School of Management,
Former President of the Louvain
Research Institute in Management &
Organizations UCLouvain, Belgium

Ms. Cheyenne (Maddox) Metz
Senior Manager, Communications,
Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME),
United Nations Global Compact, US

Prof. Moses Acquaah
University of North Carolina at
Greensboro and President of African
Academy of Management, US

Prof. Ahmed Nofal
EMLyon, France

Inaugural Session:
Climate Change and Green
Growth in Africa: The Next Act

Plenary Session (2. 30-2.50)

Panelist (2.50-3.50)

Q&A (3.50-4.20)

Evening sessions

Cocktail Reception at the French Consulate

5.00 pm

2 place Ahmed Orabi, Mancheya

Day 2 - November 13

Morning sessions

Grand Jury – Real World Global Challenge

Session/ Time (UTC +2) (Room)



Opening Session

Welcome and
(Main Room)

Welcome address by

Prof. Mahamadou Biga Diambeidou,
UCLouvain & University of Oxford


Prof. Ernest Codotte,
University of Tennesse,
Founder of Marketplace Simulation

Parallel session (9.30-11.00)

Room #1

Session Chairs:
Team 1-3

Room #2

Session Chairs:
Team 4-6

Room #3

Session Chairs:
Team 7-9

Break (11.00-11.15)

Session chair



Prof.Amanuel G.Tekleab,
Wayne State University, US

Prof. Moses Acquaah,
University of North Carolina at
Greensboro, US

Prof. Bella L. Galperin,
The University of Tampa, US

Prof. Colin Ntim,
University of Southampton, UK

Prof. Sherwat Ibrahim,
The American University in
Cairo, Egypt

Supportive journals:
Journal of Business Research, Business & Society, Group & Organization Management, Africa Academy of
Management Journal, Journal of African Business, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging
Economies, International Journal of Comparative Management, IEEE Engineering Management Review.

Plenary Session

Meet the Editors (11.15-12.45 pm)

Lunch (12.45-1.45 pm)

Afternoon sessions




Prof. dt ogilvie,
Rochester Institute of Technology

Keynote by:
Prof. Bella L. Galperin,
Dana Professor of Management,
Senior Associate Director,
TECO Energy Center for Leadership
The University of Tampa, US

Prof. Benoit Gailly,
Head of Louvain Innovation
UCLouvain, Belgium

Prof. Bindu Agarwal
Manav Rachna University, India

Dr. Isaac Gachanja,
A Distinguished investor expert with a special
accolade from global Business School Network
and lecturer, University of Embu. Kenya

Ms. Israa El Fayoumy
Head of Research Grants
Unit, Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Plenary Session:
Sustainable Entrepreneurship & Innovation:
The Role of Climate Leadership

Plenary Session (1.45-2.05)

Panelist (2.05-2.55)

Q&A (2.55-3.15)

Break (3.15-3.30)




Prof.Ali E. Ahmed,
Warwick Business School

Keynote by:

Dr. Arnold Mwanzu
Associate Professor & Regional
Librarian, East Africa at Aga
Khan University Member, IFLA
Environment, Sustainability and
Libraries Section (ENSULIB)

Topic: Green libraries towards
the United Nations 2030 Agenda
for Sustainable Development


M. Assane Fall

Consortium Jeunesse Sénégal (CJS)

Topic : Etude de cas du Lambaye
Learning Center – “Un centre
écologique d’apprentissage”, au Sénégal,
classifié parmi les meilleurs projets de bibliothèque verte
choisi pour le prix IFLA-ENSULIB Green Library Award pour l’année 2020

M. Ahmed Ghazi,
Chief Events Specialist,
Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Topic: la littératie
informationnelle et les
bibliothèques vertes

Plenary Session:
Sustainable Entrepreneurship & Innovation:
The Role of Climate Leadership

Plenary Session (3.30-3.50)

Panelist (3.50-4.40)

Q&A (4.40-5.00)

Day 3 - November 14

Morning sessions




Prof. dt ogilvie,
Rochester Institute of

Keynote by:

M. Shalan Khalid, Elsevier

Topic: Overview Analysis of African Research
Collaborations, Reporting In-depth analysis using
Elsevier SciVal Analytics including intra-African and
International Collaborations


Prof. Mona Gamal Eldin
Dean of Faculty of Energy
Resources, Environmental,
Chemical and Petrochemical
Engineering – EECE,
Egypt – Japan University of
Science and Technology,

Prof. Hari Bapuji,
The University of
Melbourne, Australia

Prof. Kyanda Swaib
Kaawaase, Makerere
University, Uganda

Dr. Sohaila Salama
Directrice du Département
FAD, Université Senghor
and Responsable CNF,
Agence Universitaire de la
Francophonie, Egypt

Plenary Session:
Understanding the Drivers of Inequality:
The Role of People & Technology

Plenary Session (9.00-9.20)

Panelist (9-20-10.10)

Q&A (10.10-10.30)

Break (10.30-10.45)




Dr. Gihane Zaki
Professor of Egyptology,
Chief Executive Officer of the
Grand Egyptian Museum and
member of the House of Representatives
and serves on the Foreign Relations Committee,

Keynote by:

Prof. Shadreck Chirikure
Edward Hall Professor of Archaeological Science,
Director of RLAHA, British Academy Global Professor,
University of Oxford


Dr. Mohammed Anwar
Director of Heliopolis
University Centre for Rural Development, Egypt

Dr Etotépé A. Sogbohossou
Directrice Département Environnement &
Directrice Ecole Doctorale,
Université Senghor

Dr. Moctar Naba
Université Djibo Hamani de
Tahoua, Niger.

M. Mohamed Hussein
Energy Program Manager,
Nature conservation Egypt

Plenary Session:
Sustainable Ecosystem Development and Green Growth:
The Role of Regenerative Development,
Traditional Science and Culture

Plenary Session (10.45-11.05)

Panelist (11.05-11.55)

Q&A (11.55-12.15)

Lunch (12.15-1.15 pm)

Afternoon sessions




Prof. Bella L. Galperin,
Dana Professor of Management,
Senior Associate Director, TECO
Energy Center for Leadership
The University of Tampa, US

Keynote: The Conversation

M. Andrew Jack,
Global Education Editor, Financial Times.

Dr. Gihane Zaki
Professor of Egyptology,
Chief Executive Officer of the Grand Egyptian Museum
and member of the House of Representatives and serves
on the Foreign Relations Committee, Egypt.

Ms. Cheyenne (Maddox) Metz,
Senior Manager, Communications, Principles
for Responsible Management Education (PRME),
United Nations Global Compact, US

Dr. Raffaele Trapasso,
Head, Entrepreneurship Education and Skills Unit,
SMEs and Entrepreneurship Division, Centre for
Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities, OECD, France.

Prof. Ernest Cadotte,
University of Tennesse,
Founder of Marketplace Simulation. US.

Dr. Nourhane M. El-Haridi
Faculty of Engineering
Architectural Department
African Relations Coordinator,
Pharos University in Alexandria. Egypt.

Plenary Session:
Climate change and Green Growth:
More than Money

Plenary Session (1.15-1.35)

Panelist (1.35-2.25)

Q&A (2.25-2.45)

Break (2.45-3.00)




Prof.Moses Acquaah,
University of North
Carolina at Greensboro

Keynote by:

M. Sergio Arzeni,
President of INSME, Former Director OECD Centre for
Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Local Development


Prof. Richard M Kiai,
Dean, School of Business
Karatina University

M. Ahmed Bastawy
Managing Director, ICEALEX
– Founding Board Member,
Impact Investing Initiative –
Board Member, AfriLabs –
Founding Director, Startups of
Alex (SoA) Incubator

Prof.Hala Abdelgafar
Head IRB, KIMEP University

Dr. Giulia Ajmone Marsan,
Director, Strategy and
Partnerships, Economic
Research Institute for ASEAN
and East Asia (ERIA)

M. Shalan Khalid,

Plenary Session:
Africa- a Hub of Green Investment:
The Need of new Green Partnership

Plenary Session (3.00-3.20)

Panelist (3.20-4.10)

Q&A (4.10-4.30)